Robin Lintingre

Robin Lintingre

Product Owner

Îles Canaries, Espagne

Product Owner mobilisé pour l'accompagnement des entreprises dans leur transition vers un mondre plus sobre, inclusif et agréable.

Le digital est notre arme pour changer les choses 🔫

#outdoor #sport #glisse #impact #ecologie #nature #respect

Join us

Do you want to work on projects which really make a difference? Tell us about your skills and join the team.

#Freelance #CM #UX #Development #Marketing #Translation #Motivated #Optimism #OpenMinded

Join the team

MetaStrat was founded with the goal of positive change. The desire to participate in change by supporting the actors of this new benevolent economy while upholding the values of a healthy working environment for freelancers.

Sébastien Ortega

Fondateur - Développeur Web & Mobile

Sébastien Ortega